Monday, January 9, 2012

Balancing Act

Well, it's been a little over a month since I started my new job and I'm loving it.  While I was scared to change jobs, I'm very thankful that I made that jump.  I especially love all the extra time and energy that I have.  It is slowly allowing me to get back to normal (well, as normal as I ever was!) and restore some balance to my life.  During the first week of my new job, I came home one evening, cooked dinner, Chip and I ate, and then we started watching one of our favorite shows.  As I sat on the couch watching t.v., I looked over and saw Chip just staring at me kind of wide-eyed and amazed, and he grinned at me.  I said, "What? What are you looking at?"  He replied, "It's just....weeeeird."  I said "What's weird?!?" and started looking around trying to figure out what he was talking about.  He said, "It's 6 o'clock.  You're home AND we've eaten dinner.  Before, you wouldn't be getting home for another half hour or more."  It dawned on me that he was right, and I had to giggle and do my little happy clap. 
Getting home at 5:15 or 5:20 pm every day certainly has made a difference!  So has being able to get up merely an hour or so before work, and not having to factor in a two-hour commute anymore!  I also get an hour lunch, so I can run errands on my lunch hour and get out of the office for a bit each day.  A little bit of sunshine (or even cloudy daylight) really makes all the difference!!  I have even decided to bring my tennis shoes and enjoy a lunchtime walk on pretty days, and have convinced my new friend and cubie neighbor Shenelle to tag along! 
It's funny because even before I even started the job at Greystone, I had already cooked up big plans for how I was going to spend my extra time:  getting house cleaning done through the week, finishing up unfinished projects, starting a workout schedule at the gym, getting back to school, etc.  But, you know, I really haven't put those into effect yet.....and I'm fine with that.  I was suffering from a severe case of burnout - even more than I originally realized - and I needed to have some down time to rejuvenate and restore myself to the old Leesie.  I needed time to get settled into my new job, figure out my new life's schedule, and learn how to enjoy it without overwhelming myself with unrealistic to do lists and expectations of how to fill up my extra time. 
This month has really been a time of rest, reflection and rejuvenation, and I feel so happy!  I feel ready to tackle the gym, school, those unfinished home improvement projects, those chores and to do lists, and I have the energy and gumption to do it.  But, while I have all of these numerous things I want to accomplish, I'm not stressing myself out about them.  I'm slowly learning not to pile up my to do list and set unrealistic deadlines for myself.  The house didn't get dirty in one day, and it's certainly not going to get clean in one!  I'm just living day-by-day and enjoying each moment as it comes, and realizing that the restoration of balance will just come naturally.  So, while I have been more like the grasshopper than the ant, it's okay because even the ant needs a vacation now and then.  :D
Chip said the other day that he never realized that me changing jobs would make him feel so much better.  That made my heart smile, and I realized that's all the justification for this change that I'll ever need.   

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