Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Season of Change

On December 11, 1998, two weeks after I moved to Northern Virginia, I started working at The Duff Law Firm (f/k/a The Law Offices of David L. Duff, P.C.).  I still remember when I walked in for my interview, I was overcome by the professional and elegantly decorated offices, with nice art work and matching furniture and wallpaper.  This country girl immediately thought, "I am completely out of my element."  I have come a long way since then, gained a lot of experience, learned a lot, climbed the ladder, weathered many storms, and grown to love each and every person there as family.   It's hard to believe that it's been 12 years since I first walked through those doors.  It's even harder to believe on November 18, 2011, less than a month shy of my 13-year anniversary, I will be walking out of those doors for the last time.  I turned in my notice today, as I will soon begin a new journey with a new employer in the town where I live.  While I look forward to not having 12-14 hour days filled with a four hour commute, I had to begin saying goodbye to those that I love and it was very bittersweet for me.

On the other hand, I needed a change of pace, a better quality of life, and prayed for the Lord's guidance.  I truly didn't think that I would get this new job. I wanted it, but it required a pay decrease, so I was worrying if it would be the right decision for me and my family.  I had prayed to the Lord for His guidance and provision, and even asked my prayer warriors for their prayer intervention.  At that same time, and much to my relief, the Duff's graciously decided to change my hours (an option not open to them before).  I thought to myself, "Well, I guess this is the Lord's way of answering my prayers and letting me know I didn't get the job."  Then, I got the call and the answer I had been waiting for.  Much to my surprise, the job came through.  So, while I am sad to move on, a bit scared about leaving my comfort zone and my fabulous team of Duffers, I am excited about the opportunity and possibilities that lay ahead because I know the Lord has a plan for me.  So, thank you Father for your abundant blessings.  Thank you for answering my prayers and making a way for me.  Thank you also to my hubby, family, friends and prayer warriors for your love, support, guidance, and encouragement.  I couldn't have made it though any of this without you.

And, so, my new chapter begins . . .

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Well, here I am!  My first blog!!  Woohooo!

My friend, Danielle, has a blog and I always enjoy reading it, so I have been considering creating my own for a while now.  She has encouraged me to give this thing a shot.  I thought this would be a snap, but apparently there are a lot of decisions to be made about backgrounds, layouts, fonts, font sizes, gadgets, photos, content, etc.  I've been sitting for about two hours tinkering with this thing because I'm totally Type A and want everything to be juuuuuust right.  Of course, now it's past lunch time and I'm starving, so I'm just going to do this post for now and obsess later.   Obsess.  O-b-s-e-s-s.  Obsess.  (insert squint here)    Ohhhkay!  I'm so tired/hungry that I'm obsessing over the word obsess because it just looks plain weird to me.  Do you ever have that - where you spell something, but it just doesn't look quite right?  I guess that's kind of a fitting description for me.  I look normal, but if you look really hard you'll think there's something about me that just isn't quite right.  Mwahaaahaahahaha!

Anyway, welcome to my blog!!  I'm sure I'll be making changes and rearranging things (and quite  possibly driving Dani crazy asking her questions), but this should be fun!